Welcome! I'm feeling like Santa today, so let me give you a gift.
every comment, I will donate $1.00 to Operation: Gratitude, an outfit that
sends care packages to the military. (Up to $100.)
Dear Jean Joachim, On behalf of Operation Gratitude and the United States Military members who receive our care packages, I thank you for your generosity. Your donation of $50.00 will enable us to send over 100,000 ‘chock full’ Care Packages this year to: Tens of thousands of brave men and women still deployed overseas in harsh and remote areas; to their children anxiously awaiting their return; and to Veterans & Wounded Warriors recuperating stateside. The care packages contain snacks, personal care necessities, entertainment items and letters from appreciative Americans. These expressions of love and concern from fellow citizens offer our Military a much-deserved respite from the hardships of service, and are always greeted with enthusiasm and great appreciation. As one Private First Class wrote:
"I cannot express to you how
great it feels to come home after a long day of running missions to find
a care package full of love sitting on your bunk. You are exhausted
from wearing 50 plus pounds of armor for hours on end, then you open the
package, see all that love, and are rejuvenated and ready to face the
world again. It may sound small but it really does help enormously. Our
location doesn't have a real PX so we rely on the support of people at
Operation Gratitude for the items we need--not to mention the morale
boosting items such as cookies or candy. You all are the true heroes.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
To read the most current letters of thanks from our troops
and to see their photos with your Operation Gratitude care packages,
please "Like" us on Facebook: $15 donated sends another care package: You may be able to double or even triple your donation! Many companies have matching gift programs, through which they will match your donation, or maybe even double or triple it! Please check with your Human Resources/Personnel office to learn if your donation is eligible for a matching donation. In an attempt to maximize funds for postage for the care packages, we have sent this email acknowledgment, a printed copy of which may be used as a receipt for tax purposes. Please let me know if you need a formal hard copy letter to be sent through the regular mail as well. Operation Gratitude has been granted non-profit status under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Your contribution to this organization is fully deductible for federal income tax purposes as no goods or services were received in exchange. The Operation Gratitude Tax ID number is 20-0103575. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and wonderful patriotic spirit--every dollar we receive truly makes a difference to our mission of putting smiles on service members' faces. The brave members of the U.S. Military who receive your generosity will remember your kindness forever. And I will always be appreciative of your support and encouragement for Operation Gratitude. Fondly, |
Carolyn Blashek, President |
Welcome! I'm feeling like Santa today, so let me give you a gift.
Every commenter who leaves an email address will win a copy of my book CHAMPAGNE FOR CHRISTMAS. Please leave your preferred format, too. A little bit about the book: Can a craving for mint chip ice cream and a passion for the
theater spark romance? Hunky Clint is younger than Nina. He’s a high school
English teacher and a budding playwright. Nina, an actress, is a beautiful,
lonely, wealthy widow. What can they possibly have in common? Mint chip ice
cream brings them together but there is more to life than ice cream and steamy
romance. Can their love of the theater keep them together or will it ultimately
drive them apart?

So please leave a comment. Holiday time is about giving. Come on...speak me raise money for a great charity. Don't forget your email address and preferred format for your free book.