Chapter One
The Caldwell house on
Lake Onondaga in Pennsylvania just over the border from New York.
The August heat was still oppressive
at midnight, but Callie Caldwell’s nerves made her shiver as she and her
husband, Mac, tiptoed down to the edge of the water.
“Mac, are you sure no one can see
us?” Callie looked around. The only house with lights on was theirs, almost
directly across the lake from where they were standing.
“Shhh! The Wilsons aren’t home. Come
on.” He ripped his T-shirt over his head and dropped his shorts then his boxers.
Callie pulled her shift up and off.
She stood stark naked, trembling.
“You weren’t wearing anything under
that all this time?”
She nodded.
“Damn! Now you’re cold?”
“It’s fine. Come on.” Mac took her
hand, and they slowly waded in.
The water cooled her skin, reducing
her body temperature and relaxing her as it swirled around parts usually shielded
by cloth. When they reached the deep part, Mac lifted Callie. She wound her
legs around his waist, and he continued out toward the middle. He cupped her
bottom with one hand and brushed her long, chestnut hair out of her eyes with
the other.
Callie clung to Mac’s shoulders. The
hair on his chest tickled her nipples, sending pleasing sensations through her
body. She leaned over and kissed his neck, then put her lips on his shoulder,
sucking before licking.
“You taste good.”
He laughed and stopped. “This is far
enough.” Moonlight shone down on the couple, making Mac’s hair a shiny blue-black.
His deep-set, blue eyes were darkened by shadows, but Callie felt the heat of their
stare on her body.
“Shameful.” He shook his head. “Skinny-dipping
in front of the neighbors to be alone with my wife.”
“Do what you gotta do.” She chuckled.
Mac slid his hand up to her back and
pressed her against him. His mouth descended on hers in a hungry kiss. His
tongue explored, possessing, while he moved to massage her breast.
Callie reached down to find him hard
as a rock. Before she knew it, he had slipped inside her and they were joined.
She gasped and closed her eyes. Even after ten years of marriage, Callie found
lovemaking with Mac exciting. And to be doing it wantonly in the lake at
midnight was intense. He moved her up and down, trying to keep the splash to a
minimum. Lost in their ecstasy, neither one noticed lights going on in the
Wilson’s house.
Mac’s mouth was buried in Callie’s
neck, muffling his grunts and groans. But Callie got carried away. She raised
her head high and gave out a short, guttural cry as she climaxed in his arms.
Mac followed. For a moment, there was silence. Then, the creaking of a rusty
screen door hinge alerted them. Callie dropped her legs and sank down until
only her eyes were visible above the water.
“Hey. Someone out there?” a male
voice called out.
“It’s probably a coyote, Herb. Close
the door before he gets you.”
“I heard a human cry. Mebbe someone
needs help,” the man said.
“Close the damn door, you’re letting
in mosquitoes!” the woman yelled.
“That’s it. I heard it again, only
different this time. I tell you, it’s human!”
“For God’s sake, go investigate,
Herb, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Callie’s heartbeat raced as the man
moved through his front door, brandishing a big flashlight.
“Mac! Crap!” Callie whispered. She
panicked like an animal caught in a trap. She gripped Mac’s arm with all her
“Ow, Callie. Easy,” he whispered. “Stay
where you are. Don’t move.” Mac quickly hid Callie behind him.
“Who is it? Who’s out there?” Herb
called as he approached the lake.
Closer and closer he came. Terror
filled Callie’s heart as the prospect of total humiliation grew. The beam of
light whipped back and forth across the water until it hit Mac’s face.
Instinctively, he raised his hand to shield his eyes.
“Well, I’ll be goddamned! Who the
hell are you? And what the hell are you doing in my lake at midnight?” Herb’s
tone got belligerent.
“Herb. Quiet. It’s okay. Only me,
Mac Caldwell from across the lake.”
“What the hell? Why aren’t you
swimming on your side?”
Slowly, Mac moved aside. Callie
waved briefly before ducking behind her husband again.
“Well, shit for brains! Callie, is
that you? Better be Callie, Mac, or I’m gonna have to blow the whistle on you.”
Herb shone the light in Mac’s eyes again.
“Of course it’s Callie, Herb. Don’t
be ridiculous.”
“Get on out of there. It’s too late
for this stuff.”
“It’s hot.”
“But why aren’t you on…” Herb
stopped as his shoe hit something. It was one of Callie’s sandals, lying next
to a pile of discarded clothes. He looked down on the ground, then up at Mac,
then down again and burst out laughing. His guffaw was so loud two more lights
went on.
“Quiet, Herb!” Mac hollered from the
water, but Herb kept chuckling.
“Why the hell didn’t you say so,
Caldwell. Carry on!” Herb doused his light and turned around.
Two other neighbors came out on
their front porches and called to Herb.
“Go back to bed. Nothing but a
coyote,” he called out. As soon as everyone was gone, Mac and Callie started
wading back to shore.
“Last time I listen to you, Mac
Caldwell. ‘We’ll have an adventure. No one will know. They’ll be asleep. Come
on. It’ll be fun.’ Fun? I’ve never
been so humiliated! I’ll never be able to look Joan Wilson in the eye again.
And who else are they gonna tell? I’ll have to wear a disguise to the grocery
“You told your dad we were going for
ice cream. Now, we come home soaking wet? I don’t think I can stand another
humiliation tonight. Think of something.”
They continued down the road in
silence for a mile or two. “I’ve got it!” Mac turned the car into The
Creamery’s parking lot just as the last folks were leaving. He begged them to
stay open for one more order. He delivered a chocolate marshmallow cone to
Callie and put a bag on the front seat.
When they got home, Sam, Mac’s dad, was
awake though his wife, Pat, had gone off to bed.
“The kids were fine. What the hell?
You’re all wet. Both of you.” Sam’s gaze flew from Mac to Callie and back to
Mac. Callie’s emotions bounced from fear of embarrassment to practically
uncontrollable giggles.
Mac looked his father in the eye.
“Dad, I have a pint of vanilla fudge ice cream here. You have a choice. You can
either forget we’re wet and have the ice cream, or demand an explanation…which
you probably won’t like, and which won’t even be the truth. Which is it?”
Callie saw the struggle on Sam’s
face. Knowing him to be a scientist, like her husband, and immensely curious,
she was aware how hard this decision was.
“Vanilla fudge? From The Creamery?”
Sam asked, licking his lips.
“Your favorite. From The Creamery,”
Mac answered.
“What happens to the ice cream if I
opt for the explanation?”
“I eat a bowl then throw it in the
Sam gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” Mac kept a completely
straight face. Callie stared at the two men in awe.
“Okay, okay, you win. I’ll take the
ice cream. Don’t bother with a dish, just give me a spoon. And who gives a damn
why you’re soaked…though I can guess.” Sam chuckled as he shook his head.
“You kids are a hoot, the way you
think you invented sex,” he laughed. “I got the ice cream, anyway.”
Callie could hold the giggles no longer, and she
laughed as she climbed the stairs to the master bedroom. Find out more about the book, including all buy links HERE.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed this excerpt.
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