Welcome! This week's word prompt is "boredom." I'm continuing with Maggie's Story. Thanks for coming. Click on the link below to return to the great Tuesday Tales writers.
stared out the window facing Park Avenue. It was Wednesday night before
Thanksgiving and the traffic was bumper to bumper. A slight drizzle fell,
coating the window. The temperature was forty and a winterish wind slipped through the cracks in the old windows, making
her shiver. She put the kettle on for another cup of tea.
thoughts turned to her husband, John, who was navigating his way through the
dense clutch of cars, bringing Mr. Roberts home from a meeting downtown. She
checked her watch. Won’t be home for
another half hour, most likely.

The whistling
of the kettle drew the cook’s attention. She perched on a stool and sipped. It’s
five years now. Five years married. No baby. She sighed and finished her
entered the kitchen and stopped to kiss his wife.
out there. This damned American holiday. Messes up every avenue and street,” he
she loved John even more than when they had first married, boredom with her
life had set in. The only bright spot came running into the kitchen.
hungry, Maggie,” said little Penn.
six year old trained his beautiful, expectant blue eyes on her and she melted.
Reaching into the fridge, she plucked out a stick of string cheese.
you’ve got to promise to eat your supper, my boy,” she said, waving the cheese
wand in front of him.
He nodded and she let him grab the stick. He shot a
brilliant grin at her. “Thank you,” the little boy said.
ruffled his hair before he raced out as fast as he’d come.
bloke knows just how to get what he wants from you,” John observed, sipping the
cup of Earl Grey Maggie had made for him.
right. He’s not stupid, that one. Smart as a whip. Gonna do big things one day,
like his father.” She smiled with pride.
not yours, you know.”
he is. He’s ours as much as he’s theirs.”
put his arm around his wife. “I hope you know that isn’t true.”
not legally, but in here,” she said, pounding in her chest, “in here, he is.”
Maggie pushed away from him. “Stop it!”
day we’ll have our own.”
put her hand over his mouth. “Stop sayin’ that. Ain’t gonna happen. There ain’t
gonna be a some day. We’ve been
tryin’ for three years, John. Ain’t happened yet and ain’t gonna.”
slipped into his embrace. They stood in silence, clinging to each other.
we’ve much to be thankful for, Maggie.”
we do.”
hope you don’t mind if I keep on trying?”
better! As long as you’re doin’ it for the fun of tryin’ and stop askin’ me if
it took.”
lassie,” he whispered.
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