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Sunday, January 1, 2017


If you're looking for the free read, The House-Sitter's Christmas, has been taken down. Look for it to appear as a novella soon. 

Let's start fresh with a look at New Year's Resolutions:

1. The Romans made promises at the start of each year to their god, Janus, namesake for the month of January.

2. The idea of New Year's resolutions ties into religious practices, too. Lent, the Jewish High Holy Days, Christian Watch Night services and Christmas, itself, involve reflection, repentance, plans to do better. Or as we know it, New Year's resolutions. 

3. After the Great Depression, about 25% of Americans made New Year's Resolutions. That number has risen to over 50% today.

4. Almost half of the people making resolutions were as likely to succeed in achieving their goals as those who didn't.

5. A 2007 study showed that about 88% of those who make resolutions fail. But, hey! What about the 12% who succeed? 
Do you makes resolutions? I do. Just one and I keep it a secret.

Popular New Year's Resolutions:

  • Live heathly - eat right, lose weight, exercise.
  • Give up smoking, nail biting and other bad habits.
  • Be more positive - enjoy life more.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Donate money to the poor.
  • Make new friends.
  • Work harder at the job.
  • Read more.
  • Become more organized.
  • Get off of social media.
  • Spend more time with family.
Do any of these sound like you?

Start off the new year with a yummy romance, like these two:

Find them and over 30 other romances on my website, click HERE