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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome to Kensington State University in Willow Falls, NY

Join me for a tour of the fictional Kensington State University in the fictional town of Willow Falls, NY, setting for the Now and Forever books series. 

Mac Caldwell and Eliza Baines, undergraduate deans at the university, moved their offices into this building, Tucker House, last week. They are still trying to get organized.
Callie attends her graduate school classes in this building. All the non-science graduate programs have classes here in Lewiston Hall.
Jonesy wanted to live close to school so after a snow storm she wouldn't have far to go. She and her husband, Bill Jones, bought this house in town on Chestnut Street:
Jonesy fell in love with, Danny's pug, Rocky, so she rescued her own pug, this fine specimen and named him "Wellington" after the college where she met Bill. He calls the pug, "Welly":

University president, John Lawrence, lives here with his lovely wife, Annika:

Here is the police station where Dave Williams keeps things Kosher in Willow Falls:
This is the house on Sycamore Street where Callie rented a room on the ground floor in the back with a view of a small garden.
Here is the lake where the Caldwell family has a house. Their house is on the left. Just a peek.

Here's the church in Willow Falls where Callie's sister, Sarah, gets married...oops! That's two books to come. Sorry for jumping ahead.

This is Chaucer House, where the English department and Danny's office is located. It's where an English professor met a bad fate...oops, sorry...that book isn't out yet. *slaps hand*, gotta keep the books straight.

A little about the book:
Now and Forever 1, a Love Story is about Callie's Richards, a young woman who's known tragedy, and her journey back to a fulfilling life. She works hard starting over, seeking love and happiness despite the treacherous and deadly obstacles thrown in her path. You'll cheer with her triumphs and empathize with her setbacks. This emotional story will draw you in & keep you there. 

I hope you'll come visit Kensington State University through the pages of "Now and Forever 1, a Love Story",out now and "Now and Forever 2, the Book of Danny" coming early in November. 

Here is where you can get your "ticket" for the express train:
Amazon (only $3.99)


Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

This really helps bring the books to life for us.

Sherry Gloag said...

Great post. I love the way you tantalise us with snippets from your future books too. And lovely pics.

Kellie Kamryn said...

Love those pictures and it's nice to have those visuals of where the story takes place. Great post, Jean!

LM Spangler said...


The pics and explanations were awesome! Great blog idea.

Stephy Smith said...

Great way to weave the two books together! Great post Jean!

Karen Cino said...


I love this blog. The pictures are an awesome marketing tool.

Miss you at the GAA. Talk to you later!