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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Welcome! Thank you for stopping by. UNDER THE MIDNIGHT MOON has been released! This is the fourth in my sweet romance series and picks up right where APRIL'S KISS IN THE MOONLIGHT leaves off.  Read NEW snippets today!
For those who have read April's Kiss, the book ends with Thanksgiving approaching. This book begins with Mindy Winslow, April's college roommate, arriving in Pine Grove to attend a funeral and have Thanksgiving with April, Gavin and their families.
     For readers who love to hate Martin McKenna, he has his own chapter in this book and he will make you laugh this time. Here's a bit about the book:
     Can attending a wedding and a funeral on the same day change your life? Mindy Winslow’s life was altered forever when she met gorgeous lawyer, Drew Armstrong, and found out about her inheritance from her mentor, Lou. Embraced by the townsfolk at the wedding of her college roommate, Mindy sought to make her goal a reality in tiny Pine Grove, New York. But the exposure of a promise made then broken secretly, destroyed her dream. Will she be forced to face “I told you so” from her father or will love find a way to resurrect hope from the ashes? 

      Return to Pine Grove and Cedar Lake for another romantic adventure. Revisit your favorite characters from my sweet books. There is even a cameo appearance by a character from The Marriage List. 

Here are some NEW snippets
She shifted in her seat. Small waist, generous hips. Hate a tiny-hipped woman in bed. Nothing to grab onto. He leaned slightly to the left, hoping she didn’t notice him checking out her rear end. Can’t see much while she’s in the chair, but from here it looks perfect.
Mindy dug a lipstick out of her purse, drawing his eyes to her lips as she slowly reapplied the pink color. His mouth went dry as he followed the trail over her sensuous lower lip. He wondered what it would feel like to have them pressed against his.

“I live in Pine Grove, but work in Oak Bend.”
“How come? I’d think the benefit of being out here in the boonies is that you can live and work in the same town.”
“I found a small house here real cheap. I’m fixing it up with Gavin’s help.” He unfolded his napkin and put it in his lap.
“You own a house? So great to own a house.” She sat back, a smile lighting up her face.
“Be careful what you wish for…”
She cocked her head slightly. “What do you mean?”
“You’ll know soon enough.” A Cheshire Cat grin stretched his lips.
Mindy cocked an eyebrow at him.


UNDER THE MIDNIGHT MOON is available this week from the Secret Cravings Website and will be up on Amazon, etc., next Tuesday. 
Buy Link: Sweet Cravings Publishing
(Sweet means two flames, no consummated sex scenes.But plenty of sexual tension. )

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